(Or ever silence your voice)
I know many are struggling to make sense of the insanity that is unfolding around us at this present time. Many are wrestling with a feeling of hopelessness and genuine fear. They are overcome with a feeling of powerlessness at the injustices that are currently being perpetrated against Christians and conservatives. We have watched in shock, aghast, as some of the most wealthy and powerful companies have slammed the door shut on our rights to free speech! I know many are filled with rage at what is being done by the leftist in government, in big tech, and the media and the cancel culture mob. These are indeed very dark and difficult days, and they are most likely going to get much more difficult.
I have personally lived through the horror of being canceled. I had my life’s work taken from me and my life erased. I was deliberately shut down from having communication access to the churches and flock I started, served, and shepherded for 31 years. I was shut out and left with no voice whatsoever. My pulpit and platform to preach were unjustly taken from me. I was silenced completely during a process in which others slandered, destroyed and canceled my life. So what I write to you today, I have lived, I have experienced it firsthand and it has been my salvation that even now sustains me in spite of the grave injustices that are being perpetrated against Christians and conservatives across America.
Please let that sink in!! So many people’s lives are wrapped up in their Facebook page and Facebook friends. So many derive their value and self-worth from how many Twitter followers they have, on the perceived influence they think they have. For many, this is the only way they feel heard or noticed! Yet in a moment it can all be gone! In a moment friends, you thought were friends, can ghost you, ignore you, turn on you, or treacherously betray you. I know, it happened to me. 98% of all the people I knew, loved, and served over the last 44 years have ghosted me or ignored me and treated me as though I don’t exist anymore.
Let me ask you a very powerful question: What speech matters the very most to you? What speech is in reality the freest, the most important, and influential speech of all? I will tell you the answer!
It is the words you speak in prayer to God Almighty, every single day of your life!! There is nothing more influential, powerful, or consequential than the words you speak in your prayers to God!
The fervent prayers of a righteous man or woman have great power, influence, and impact!! This is the most powerful and meaningful use of your freedom of speech! It can never be taken away from you!
You have no idea how I treasure my conversations with God. God has listened to every hurt, every outburst of rage in my soul, every tear that has fallen from my face, every groan and cry of my heart, every bit of angst and righteous indignation, every complaint, every heartache, every burden, every request, every desperate plea, every word of praise and thanksgiving, every single cry for help, every specific need I brought to God, every utterance of despair, every bit of grief and sorrow, every single word and sentence I have freely, emotionally, fervently conveyed or communicated to God! He has eagerly listened to, cared about, heard completely, and responded to me!! God will never, ever, ever cancel you, ignore you, ghost you, or shut you out or shut down your access to Him!
Jack Dorsey and Twitter are nothing! Mark Zuckerburg and Facebook are nothing! Jeff Bezos and Amazon are nothing! Google is nothing. All of them are nothing compared to God Almighty, Creator of heaven, and earth. The Namer and Counter of all Stars, Knower of every hair on your head, Seer of every sparrow that falls to the ground. King and Ruler of the Universe! Your loving, faithful, All-Powerful Heavenly Father. In eternal reality, they have no power whatsoever. God will squish them like bugs on the wall. They are here today, gone in a puff of smoke tomorrow.
Christians I urge you and implore you, open your heart to hear what I am saying to you. Let your verbal texts soar to God! Send them by the thousands every single day, use your freedom of speech, the freedom given to you by the Sacrifice and Blood of Jesus Christ, to enter right into the presence of God, boldly, with confident assurance of His warm and enthusiastic welcome, offering you any and all help, to fill you with greater hope, encouragement, and consolation than you have ever had before.
I am telling you from the experience of my own life, it is the greatest gift in all the world. It is the most satisfying thing I’ve ever experienced. To have a personal audience with God, the undivided attention of the Almighty, King of the Universe, Giver and Source of all life, and every blessing. This is the greatest gift in our lives and in truth, very, very few use it. In fact, most use their smartphone, their Facebook, their text, and tweets more than they ever pray! Stop being silent with God and watch your life transform, and your soul swell with vitality, hope, empowerment, and rich encouragement. Watch God respond to you and answer your prayers, carry your burdens, and heal your hurting heart. Storm the gates of heaven! Raise your voice to the Living God who waits on high to have compassion on you! You and your prayers have great power!!
Perhaps one reason for all this insanity and injustice may just be God’s unique way to get our attention and to motivate us to Seek the Lord!! To actually treat God as the most important person in the Universe that He really is! Talk to God! Tell him all your stuff, for He possesses all the real power to do something about everything in your life!!
James 5:16b
The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. NLT
For tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer! TPT
The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective. WEB
Ps.28:10 NLT
Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close!
Ps. 34:17 NIV
The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them and delivers them from all of their troubles.
Ps. 62:8 NLT
O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.
Romans 8:31,35,37 NLT
If God is for us, who can be against us? Can anything separate us from Christ’s love? No!!
NOW READ PSALM 73 NLT, AS IT WAS WRITTEN FOR THIS EXACT TIME. It has been a tremendous blessing to me.
Please hear this 2 part podcast series as it is based on Psalm 73. It is called Eternity! I know it will greatly encourage you in light of these times we are living in.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling