Don’t Forget!
Dear Strong Disciples, Exactly 2 years ago on August 22nd, 2018, out of the ashes of great injustice, severe persecution, suffering and loss, I launched Strong Disciple as a non profit ministry, inspired and moved by God Himself to do so. I am incredibly humbled and awed by all God has done and how He has used an insignificant nobody like me to minister to the lives of His beloved people around the world. On July 16, 2020 at 6:57 pm, I surpassed half a million downloads of my messages from the StrongDisciple.com website. It is all a God thing. It is all God’s amazing grace, His blessing and His doing. I sincerely mean that. In addition to that, as you know I have been writing articles each week for the last 97 weeks. Little did I realize then how God would use these “Thoughts Provoking” articles in the lives of others. Every single day I bathe this ministry and these articles in fervent prayer as I know that without God’s great blessing and mighty supernatural work, they are useless and powerless. Last week’s article was entitled “Stand up, Speak out!” The following morning I received this note from a dear Christian man in Nigeria, who I will call Daniel (after Daniel in the Bible). He works in a very significant position in his country. “PASTOR MARK, INDEED I AM DEEPLY ENCOURAGED READING THROUGH YOUR HEART TOUCHING STORY. I THEN ASKED MYSELF –CAN I BE THIS STRONG AND OUTSPOKEN? MY ANSWER IS –WITH THE LORD’S HELP I WILL. I BELIEVE YOU ARE AWARE OF WHAT IS GOING ON IN MY DEAR COUNTRY NIGERIA. PLEASE DO COMMIT IN YOUR PRAYERS NIGERIAN CHRISTIANS. I LOVE YOUR MESSAGES. HAVE A GREAT DAY SIR.” I was deeply moved, deeply touched by the way God used last week’s article to stir and inspire this man’s heart and faith. Some weeks ago when he first wrote to me regarding another article I had written, I asked him how he got a hold of these articles. He said, “As for how I did come across your article, you know God does His Things His way. I cannot explain because I just find myself getting some of your articles in my inbox.” Friends, I want to ask you to fervently pray for this dear man Daniel, and all the Christians in Nigeria as they are facing extreme, savage, and brutal persecution. One hour before I got this note from Daniel, I had forwarded this article below to my family and asked them to pray for my friend Daniel and the Christians in Nigeria. Please read it to grasp their reality. https://www.frontpagemag.com/ God has burned this verse on my heart and my soul. I feel a tremendous kinship with these dear persecuted, suffering Christians. They are suffering terrible injustices, hardships, and pain. Hebrews 13:3 (NLT) Don’t forget about those in prison. Suffer with them as though you were there yourself. Share the sorrow of those being mistreated, as though you feel their pain in your own bodies. Never, ever forget your persecuted, suffering Christian brothers and sisters around the world. They need our prayers. Prayer is tremendously powerful, and our God works wonders through the divine instrument of prayer. Truthfully, I will tell you my firm belief. The devil has deceived American Christians into embracing the social justice lie so we would forget and neglect the most important mandate of the New Testament: Love the family of God, the Christians and pray for them, love them, care about them and do good to them, first and foremost! Strong Disciples, it is your prayers and your faithful, generous support of this vital ministry work that has allowed God to use the articles I am writing, and the messages I have preached over 32 years, to touch the lives of thousands around the world, to encourage and inspire their faith and love for Jesus Christ and help teach them the very ways of God. Lastly, let me ask you this: Please forward every article you get to some of your Christian friends, especially to other men. Feel free to sign them up yourself, if you want, so they begin receiving them. Of course, if you do, please let them know it was you who signed them up! Also please forward any previous articles that you think would help your friends. I would love to hear how God has used these articles and messages in your life if you want to write to me. It would be a blessing to hear from you. Simply hit reply to this email and write! I am honored to serve you for Jesus’ sake. *Strongdisciple.com went live in Jan. 2011 as a website resource for my messages. In August 2018 I officially launched Strong Disciple as a tax exempt non profit, full time ministry to mentor and disciple, fathers, husbands and men. Faith, family, fatherhood. |