It seems only appropriate as we celebrate Christmas, to reflect on the holy family and ask ourselves—Is my family a holy family?
You may wonder what exactly that means? The word holy means set apart for the service of God!
We celebrate Christmas throughout the world because of the obedience to God of two simple, ordinary parents, who dedicated their lives fully to God. Who willingly obeyed the call of God to raise a child for the purposes God intended and instructed.
We marvel at the obedience of Joseph and Mary, and we should. Theirs was a remarkable life of faith, devotion, submission to God, and obedience to His will. Books have been written about them. Movies have been made about them. I could not possibly add to that body of work regarding their extraordinary lives.
But what has seldom been written or talked about is this: Are you willing to imitate their devotion to God? Are you willing to imitate the purpose of their lives, to be holy, set apart for the service of God? Will you faithfully obey the voice of God when He speaks to you? Will you dare to defy any government’s edict that seeks to destroy your child, doing what you must to protect their precious life? Have you dedicated your lives to raise your children to embrace the will of God, as Joseph and Mary raised their son Jesus to embrace God’s will for His life? Do you see yourselves as equally, divinely called to a holy life as parents, as Joseph and Mary were? Do you see yourselves as responsible before God to raise your children in God’s ways, training them for service to God? Will you defy our corrupt culture as they defied theirs? Do you take raising your child as seriously as Joseph and Mary took theirs? Do you realize if you don’t, you’re completely missing the purpose for which God called you and gave you children?
This is the reason God gave us children—that we would raise them to be holy to God.
This was the burning purpose for which my wife and I raised our children. We knew God had called us to a life of holiness—a life set apart for the service of God. We knew God wanted us to exemplify a life of holy service to our children, and intentionally train them to embrace God’s will as their own way of life. This will be the greatest gift you ever give your children.
As you celebrate Christmas with your family, please take time to reflect on this transformational question. Will you be God’s holy family during your time in history?
Merry Christmas to you all. May we each recommit ourselves to a holy life as this new year begins!
1 Peter 4:2 NIV
As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.
2 Timothy 1:9 NIV
He saved us and called us to a holy life!
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling