There is nothing quite as powerful to focus the mind, emotions, and energies, as realizing you’re at war. Everything else seems to diminish in its importance. Suddenly nothing else seems to matter as much, when you realize you have enemies who are out to destroy you, who are relentlessly attacking you, trying to kill you, enslave you, and ruin your life.
Christians, hear me now very clearly. We are at war! This world is at war with you! The devil is at war with you. The dark forces of this world are at war with you. Islam and the Islamists are at war with you. The leftist, marxist is at war with you. This corrupt world system is at war with you. The culture is at war with you. The credit industry is at war with you, wanting to enslave you to their easy money, locking you in an unending cycle of debt. The retail industry selling you products war on you. They scheme to entice you with the material things they sell, keeping you in a constant state of discontent, ever chasing their new products with your hard earned money, keeping you broke and addicted to their stuff. The flesh is at war with you, enslaving you to your passions and desires. The government is at war with you in a never ending scheme to tax, tax, and tax every possible thing they can, taking as much from you as they’re able to. Our current government is doing all within its power to restrict and reduce your freedoms and control your life. With their stated agenda and policies they have declared war on conservative Christians. The culture is at war with your family to destroy it, to seduce and corrupt your children. The social media empires, the smartphone empires love watching your children addicted to their devices, to their apps and web products. They have declared war on you and your children. The public education system has declared war on your children, as they strive to indoctrinate them into their godless worldview, corrupt values, and destructive, false narratives and lies.
The hard truth is the majority of Christians are asleep, oblivious, willingly ignorant to the vicious, savage war being waged on them and their children every day of their lives. Most Christians have already lost their war. They are willingly living in the concentration camps of this world’s making, having compromised repeatedly with evil.
The savagery of Islamic Hamas is exactly the brutality, the savagery that this world, the flesh and the devil strive to unleash on you every day of your life. Unless you declare no holds barred, all out war on them, you will not survive. You will be brutalized, enslaved, addicted, defeated, and eventually destroyed.
Unless you begin a habit of earnestly, relentlessly seeking the Lord every day of your life, you won’t survive. You will never win the daily battles.
Unless you begin to discipline your flesh in a serious way, it will enslave you.
Unless you begin to get out of debt, practice wise economic principles, living wisely and frugally, saving every way you can, giving as God instructs, you will be constantly in debt and under financial stress.
Unless you change certain habits of your life, your flesh will continue to dominate and brutalize you. You’ll continue foolishly spending money to satisfy the carnal cravings that wage war on your soul!
Unless you fight the system, take control of your own children, and educate them in the way you know is right and best, the system will corrupt your kids.
Unless you make a personal practice to build your faith every day, to humbly walk with God in a serious, intentional way, putting on the full armor of God daily, and pray, pray, pray, and pray, you will not stand at the end of the fight! You will be defeated time and time again.
Unless you take the time to encourage yourself in the Lord, to find hope in God’s promises, you will lose the war to discouragement and hopelessness. Your faith will die!
Unless you devise and execute wise battleplans in the wars being waged against you, your enemies will defeat you.
Unless as Christians, we stop just knowing things, and start doing the things we know, we will forever be a victim of the war being waged upon us!
I am a man at war! I will not stop fighting till I draw my last breath!
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power!
Psalm 144:1 NIV
Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
*Pray for Israel! May God comfort them in their heartbreaking sorrow and excruciating loss. May God sustain their will and determination to fight on, no matter what traitorous world leaders may say or demand in the weeks ahead. May Almighty God enable them to eradicate and destroy their savage enemies! May God bless Israel, deliver them and give them true peace at last.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling