Did you know that 79% of employees who quit their job, did so because they did not feel appreciated? Did you know almost 65% of Americans claimed they were not even recognized one-time last year? I am sure many of you have experienced this yourself. The feeling that you’re taken for granted, that the hard work and sacrifices you make are not being truly appreciated, or noticed by others.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in most people’s marriage relationship. It is very easy to take your mate for granted. To simply go through married life, day after day, without expressing your genuine gratitude, for their love, their hard work, or their service to you in the simplest ways. When was the last time you said thank you to your wife for a delicious meal cooked? When was the last time you expressed your sincere appreciation for the struggles and obstacles your husband battles through to provide for your family? When was the last time you expressed your appreciation for your wife’s devotion to caring for the children, for patiently training them? How often do you express to your mate your appreciation for making love to you? When was the last time you told them thank you and how much it meant to you? When was the last time you expressed genuine gratitude and appreciation for the roof they put over your head or the appliances they provided? I’ve known many a spouse who felt like they just wanted to quit or give up because they did not feel genuinely appreciated, or valued by their mate.
This one simple, profound practice will change your entire marriage. It will change how your marriage feels to you, and how you feel about your marriage. When you find every way you can to express to your mate how much you appreciate the things they do for you, you’ll be amazed at the closeness it brings between you. You will experience a greater sense of well-being, when appreciated and valued by your spouse.
The older my wife and I have gotten the more we have experienced the power of this vital practice. My wife and I express our appreciation to each other on a regular basis. My wife will often write a simple email thanking me for filling her van with gas, or for running errands for her. She expresses how much things I do mean to her. It never fails to encourage me, motivate me, and spur me on to serve and care for her even more. It always leaves me with a good feeling inside. I often express my thanks and appreciation to her for the things she does for me. I express to her my deep appreciation for her beautiful, God- fearing spirit, her friendship, her loyalty and devotion, her love, her perseverance, and how much she means to me.
Expressing appreciation impacts the climate of your marriage. It creates an emotional environment that you’ll both want to live in and you’ll thrive in. It’s a tremendous way to strengthen the bonds of your marriage.
Let me encourage you to start this practice today. Find something you can express your gratitude and appreciation for in your spouse, and write and tell them today. Don’t put it off. Then keep doing this over and over again. Make it a daily habit. The more you do it, the greater it will impact your marriage.
Accept God’s challenge!
Roman 12:10
Try to outdo one another in showing respect! Berkeley
Take delight in honoring each other! NLT
Show eagerness in honoring one another! NET
*Respect and honor are synonyms of appreciation. So in other words those verses are saying this: Try to outdo one another in showing appreciation! Take delight in appreciating each other! Show eagerness in appreciating one another!
Do not take your spouse for granted! Excel at showing appreciation!
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling