I have watched with stunned amazement as Americans have so quickly, readily, and willingly submitted to the government’s requests, and as a result of their fear of contracting the coronavirus, have altered almost every aspect of their lives. As I go out to the store to get the food and necessities that Kathy and I need to sustain us, wherever I go, anyone who is there, is standing 6 feet or more apart. The highways are mostly empty, Americans are staying in their homes, businesses have closed their doors, and millions of Americans have simply no way now to make a living. The cost of all of this will be trillions of dollars and lots of pain and hardship.
Almost every family is now homeschooling their children in some way. Families have become fanatical about washing their hands. Hardly anyone is hugging anymore or shaking hands and millions are living their lives in submissive obedience to the government’s guidelines for living, and out of their collective, reverential fear of an unseen virus, we are changing our lives to new ways of living. It happened in just a matter of days!
As a Christian, the profound spiritual lessons could not be more obvious and clear. They ought to be piercing our hearts and filling us with genuine godly repentance, as we realize to ourselves: What if all of us as believers lived with such immediate, reverential submission and obedience to God, to His commands, and His Holy Word?
What if we all realized that according to God, one of the most dangerous, infectious contagions in the world is foolishness, and the impact and consequences on our children hanging around with other little fools is more dangerous, and harmful than the coronavirus, and we all decided to protect them from that foolishness and homeschooled our children from now on?
What if we all realized the most sinister ideology of our time is evolution and the lies of the progressive left, with its anti-God biases and lies of indoctrination? That to protect our children from its dangerous, poisonous, spiritually deadly effects, we gave serious and prayerful consideration about who exactly we should be partnering with for the education of our children? Should we not protect them from the institutions and systems that shove these lies down their impressionable little throats and give them a better, more godly, and truth-based education?
When was the last time you were obsessively attentive to your Bible and to hearing from God, as much as you are to obsessively watching, listening, or reading every news story coming out about this virus as you cling to hope for some good news, or some decline in the virus curve, or wait for some breakthrough discovery of a new vaccine to protect you and your family from getting this virus!?
Christians, when was the last time you so quickly and immediately obeyed the Word of God and what God asked you to do, with such life-altering, behavior-changing ways!? What exactly will it take for you and me to have such hearts to live in such reverence and obedience to the Almighty, All-Wise, Loving Heavenly Father, our Great God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!?
Do you now see what I see? Are you beginning to grasp what I am getting at? Can we not see as Christians what God is saying to us personally as a result of this virus crisis? There are some very profound and obvious spiritual life lessons for all who have ears to hear, and a heart and mind to ponder what I have just shared.
Think, ponder, and reflect on these passages of God’s Word!
Do not delay, talk with God about them today. Ask God to show you what He wants you to do about these truths.
Oh, that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Me, and keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever!
Deut. 5:29 NASB
I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your statutes. I will hurry, without lingering, to obey your commands.
Ps.119:59-60 NLT
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice {ideologies and philosophies} of the wicked{foolish}, or stand around {hang out} with sinners{fools}, or joins in with scoffers. But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants; day and night they think about his law{word}.
Ps.1:1-2 NLT
So now the Lord says, “Stop right where you are! Look for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, “No, that’s not the road we want!”
Jeremiah 6:16 NLT
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 13:20 NIV
I am overwhelmed continually with a desire for your laws{word}.
Psalms 119:20 NLT
Your law{word} is more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver.
Psalm 119:72 NLT
Let’s make some God-honoring changes Christians! Starting today!
If we can change for the coronavirus, we can change for God!