Proverbs 23:15 NLT
My child, how I will rejoice if you become wise. Yes, my heart will thrill when you speak what is right and just.
Proverbs 23:24 NLT
The father of godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure it is to have wise children.
As a parent there is no greater joy than to have a wise child. It is the very best kind of child to have. Godly, wise children are one of the greatest pleasures in life. They fill your heart with joy. Conversely, there is nothing more painful than having a child who becomes and remains a fool. They pierce a parent’s heart with such pain, sorrow, and heartache.
There are specific characteristics that emanate from a wise child. A wise child speaks what is right. They respond to a parent’s correction. They listen to advice. They love and hold onto the truth. They listen to their father and mother. They develop good judgement. They choose good friends. They sincerely respect and honor God. They hold God in the highest regard. They grow in and embrace discipline. They learn good judgement and value discernment. They are upright and righteous in their actions. These are just some of the characteristics of a wise child. Obviously no child is perfect, but these wonderful characteristics are possible in children if they are wisely parented. They are vital to their success in life.
Let me offer a few essentials for raising a wise child.
Take the time yourself to carefully, attentively read through the book of Proverbs, highlighting every single verse on a wise person and a fool. Include every single verse on a wise child and a foolish child as well. If you, as a parent, do not value doing an exercise like this yourself, if you refuse to put forth the effort to carefully go through Proverbs and search these out, then you have revealed your own foolishness and laziness. You will not recognize what foolishness is, or what wise behavior you are striving for if you do not understand for yourself, God’s own definitions of them.
Personally, I am shocked by the laziness I’ve seen over the years in so many Christians. They willingly sabotage and destroy their own lives, their health, and they’re parenting by their own laziness. One of the greatest contrasts between President Trump and any other president we have had in my lifetime, is his diligent work ethic. This man gets things done. There is no substitute in your life for getting things done. American Christians love to play; they love pleasure and ease. You will never raise a wise child if you are lazy. It just will not happen.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This starts with you, Dad. Do you really, deeply, respect God? Do you worship Him with your life? Do you love Him with all your heart? Are you hot, cold, or lukewarm? The temperature of your own spiritual life will set the tone for your whole family. Your own personal reverence for God and His Word will self-reveal to your children. If dad is not wise, the kids will not be wise. If mom is not wise, the kids will not be wise. Remember why Timothy’s mother and grandmother had such a profound influence on his life. Remember this insightful phrase: “You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood and they have given you wisdom.”
We must never forget that the heart of a child is full of foolishness, but the rod of correction will remove it far from them. We must be willing to lovingly, faithfully, and wisely use the rod of correction with our children when they are young, or foolishness will become a permanent characteristic of their lives.
Keep them away from foolish kids and foolish programs (TV, internet, social media). The companion of fools suffers harm. Surround them with wise people, starting with you, Dad and Mom, and then with others who are wise. Those who walk with the wise will become wise.
Live a wise life. The wise man makes knowledge attractive. Your wise living is immensely powerful and persuasive in your children’s lives. You have tremendous power and ability to shape your child and influence their soul and character, if they find your life wise and attractive. Are you a good advertisement of genuine Christian faith?? Is your Christianity contagious?
Do you possess and exercise good judgement? Simply examine your habits with money. What do you spend your money on? Do you show diligent self-restraint? Are you materialistic? Are you a diligent saver? Do your kids see you eating out often or buying coffees at Starbucks regularly? You see, good, wise habits emanate as a result of your sound judgement and discernment. Our habits and decisions are either wise or foolish. Our kids are watching. We must take this area very seriously. The vast majority of Americans are absolutely foolish with their money.
Do you love discipline? Why should our children ever embrace a disciplined life if they never witness it in us? If they never see the blessing and joy we experience from living a disciplined life in all areas of our lives?
How do you use your words in your family? Do you speak wisely? Do your words bring life and health to those you live with? Do you use your words to build others up around you or tear them down? Again, read Proverbs very carefully and discover the power and impact of words!! Our children will learn wise or foolish behaviors from watching us. We can only really effectively train in them what we have trained in ourselves.
Never forget the law of sowing and reaping. What you sow repeatedly in your child’s life by your words, your training, your actions, and example is what you will reap in your child’s life. It’s these things that leave the greatest impression on your children’s lives.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling