Psalm 94:20-21, 23 NLT
Can unjust leaders claim God is on their side—leaders who permit injustice by their laws (policies)? They attack the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. God will make the sins of evil people fall back on them. He will destroy them for their sins. The Lord our God will destroy them.
I am so sick of soft, compromising, twisted, fake Christianity. I am fed up with the drivel from the mouths of fools. This week I’ve watched as people try to whitewash the stupidity and phony Christianity of Jimmy Carter. The man was a feckless, fool of a leader, a traitor to genuine Christianity, and a vile, hypocrite who embraced killers and tyrants the world over. He was a horrible antisemite, embracing, enabling and empowering terrorist killers, like Yassar Arafat. A man who traveled the world as an ex-president, embracing brutal, communist dictators who were killing and torturing their own people. He helped fund the murderous, communist Sandinistas of Nicaragua. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, no matter how many Sunday School classes he taught. This man helped destroy lives. God will not give him a pass. There will be no mercy.
I am absolutely sickened by the treasonous actions of Joe Biden, who’s allowed unfettered, unvetted illegal immigration, bringing into this country wicked criminals, gangs and islamic terrorists, who are robbing, killing and maiming the citizens of our nation. The treacherous, idiotic government officials who’ve willingly facilitated people entering this country who hate America, hate the Judeo-Christian heritage that built this nation, whose very religion teaches them to wage jihad and war against all “infidels, christians and jews.” These officials have blood on their hands. They are traitors. Frankly, they should be tried as such. What we just witnessed in New Orleans by an islamic convert, radicalized by wicked islamic doctrine, who intentionally drove his truck into helpless men, women and children, trying to kill and maim as many as possible, was made possible by the treachery and treason of this corrupt leftist government. Joe Biden, and all like him, have aided and abetted the murder, the senseless slaughter of fellow Americans and innocent unborn babies. God will not give him a pass. There will be no mercy.
I don’t have one ounce of mercy, or compassion for any of these wicked leaders. Those who call right wrong, and wrong right are despised by God. Those who pervert God’s laws, twisting His words in their corrupt mouths, using His name and perverting His teaching to promote their vile, wicked ideologies have only the wrath of God to look forward to. This is what it means most of all to use the Lord’s name in vain–to attach His name, twisting His words, to justify perverted laws and policies.
Friends, all across the world today, Islam and Islamists are killing your brothers and sisters in Christ. They persecute them relentlessly, rob them, beat them, torment them and kill them. These precious brothers and sisters in Christ are real people, just like you and me, who have children, husbands and wives. Their lives are being destroyed by these wicked islamists. Families are being shattered. I have a dear friend, a brother in Christ in Nigeria, who had both of his sisters’ homes burned to the ground by wicked islamists, they were left fleeing with their families for their lives. Nigerian Christians are suffering horrifically at the hands of Islamists.
Did you know Obama deliberately slammed the door shut on persecuted Syrian Christians, but held the door wide open for thousands of Syrian muslims to enter the country, the very kind of Islamic adherents who were killing the Christians in Syria? Do you grasp the depth of the depravity and corruption of this former president who would do such a thing?
I sat in a meeting with a group of Christian leaders and Pastors when this was happening in 2014, discussing this situation. I alone boldly stated, we should not allow one of these Syrian islamists to immigrate to this country. As Christians, we should be reaching out to support our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted by these wicked people. We should not be providing aid for their torturers, their persecutors, those who are killing our family members, whose very religion teaches them to kill our family members! The scripture clearly teaches us to do good, but especially to the household of faith. You see, God gives our brothers and sisters in Christ, His children, first preference! First priority! Yet that day, I was the only Pastor to state this view. Mine was the lone voice. The others thought we should welcome all. I stated boldly, we should allow the Syrian Christians to immigrate, welcome them into our churches, and leave the others in the refugee camps. Then when it is safe to return to their islamic country, let those islamic refugees go back to their own country. Help them in the camps if you want, but keep islamists there. We should not be accommodating or enabling islam in this country for one second. I was astounded by their lack of moral clarity, sound judgement and courage in this matter. In fact, I helped raise thousands of dollars from young people at our Faithwalkers Conference in 2014 to send to Voice of The Martyrs (VOM), specifically to help the persecuted Syrian Christians. VOM contacted me and told me it was the largest single gift they had ever received at one time to help persecuted Christians. At my own church, I led our effort raising funds to buy VOM action packs to give out to persecuted Christians in these camps, in their time of desperate need.
When will we realize our faith is not what we say, our faith is what we do? It’s the actions of our life, the company we keep, the things we support, that reveal what we really believe. We can spew doctrine all day long, pay lip service to certain beliefs, but our actions tell the real story of genuine faith in Christ. Fake Christianity will never be accepted by God. God despises it.
“Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as ‘Lord,’ but they still won’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my Father in Heaven.” (In other words, did you do the deeds God wanted you to do?) If not “Christ will say, Depart from me, get away from me, I never knew you!”
Matthew 7:21 NLT
Remember to help those believers who are in prison. Think about what that would be like, if you were there with them. Remember those believers who are receiving trouble from other people. Think about them as if you were receiving the same pain in your own body.
Hebrews 13:3 EASY
Remember, Jesus said, “What you do to one of these, my brothers and sisters, you are doing to me! When you feed a hungry fellow believer, you are feeding Christ. When you help care for a sick fellow believer, you are caring for Christ. When you visit and care for a mistreated, persecuted, or imprisoned fellow believer, you are caring, visiting and ministering to Christ! We must always care for the family of God first, then the world. That is the clear Biblical priority. Just as a father and mother are to care and provide for their own children first and foremost, before trying to meet the needs of their neighbors’ kids.
Never ever forget what Jesus said–They will know you are Christians by your love for one another! Not your love for the world, but your love for other Christians!!!!!!!
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling