Proverbs 23:12 NLT
Commit yourself to instruction; attune your ears to hear words of knowledge.
There is no greater asset a person can possess than the willingness to learn and grow. Are you eager to learn? Have you committed yourself to a life of learning and growth? Do you make a practice every day of growing your knowledge and understanding? Most Christians think of this only in terms of reading their Bible, which is absolutely essential and imperative to your learning and growth. But it is more than that. It is a willingness, an eagerness, a commitment, to continue learning and growing in the vital areas pertaining to your life and success, in all aspects of your life.
This singular commitment has been the earnest pursuit of my life since I was a very young man. It has been, and remains, my greatest asset.
It started with my reading of the Bible and my hunger to learn and grow in my faith. My intense desire to become wise with godly wisdom, to prepare myself for the Master’s service. I devoted myself to reading and understanding the Scriptures. I’ve maintained that habit all my life. I’ve learned so much about my faith, God, the Gospel, Biblical doctrine, winning others to Christ, dealing with people, pastoring, leading churches and how to live out my faith and Christianity. I could go on and on. My commitment to learn from God, to learn and grow in my knowledge, to study the Scriptures, to hear sound Bible teaching and learn from it, was life transforming. My mission was — Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately and correctly teaching the Word of Truth! 2 Timothy 2:15
However, my commitment to learning didn’t stop there. This commitment, this life transforming habit to keep learning, is the ultimate secret to everything in my life. When I applied for a job at 19 as a machinist, I had no training, no knowledge. I had one thing to offer. A commitment to learn the trade if they would teach me, and a boundless work ethic. I didn’t know what micrometers were or how to use them. I didn’t know what a production lathe was or how to use it. I didn’t know about tolerances and cutting tools. I learned it all on the job as they taught me and I became one of their most efficient and productive lathe operators.
I wasn’t raised on a farm, but an older man from church needed someone to help him on his farm in the summers. I loved to work outside, so he offered me the job. I had no idea how to operate a tractor, or plow and cultivate a field. I didn’t know how to bail hay, or use the manure spreader, or deal with some of the animals. I learned. I made a commitment to listen to him, and let him teach me, and I learned to do all of it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and became proficient at the things he taught me.
I didn’t know how to cook, professionally speaking. I could make toast, make a sandwich, put cheese on crackers, and open a can of soup. But when I got a job at a Ramada Inn restaurant, I didn’t know how to be the breakfast cook for all the customers. I didn’t know how to make omelets, or the different types of eggs, or make pancakes, or french toast, or prepare all the food for the morning rush. I didn’t know how to use a french knife with speed and precision. I didn’t know how to help the chef with banquets or make delicious soups from scratch or use a huge Hobart mixer. I made a commitment to learn, to attune my ears to instructions and I learned and became very proficient in that endeavor.
When I took a job as an auto parts salesman, I had no experience selling. I didn’t know much about auto parts other than a spark plug, oil filter, a battery, what a muffler looked like, etc. But I brought an eagerness to learn, and grow. I listened to those instructing me on the job. I studied the colossal parts catalogs that covered our parts counter from one end to the other. I practiced looking up parts so I could increase my speed and efficiency of service. I learned to make sales calls, to take orders and deal with different types of people. I learned how to manage and grow the business, to meet my customers’ needs. My commitment to learn was invaluable and irreplaceable. The difference between failure and success. The lessons I learned about running and growing a business were invaluable to me as a Pastor, planting new churches, funding those church plants, and growing our congregations and church finances. It was being forced to make my living on straight commission based on what I sold, with no guaranteed salary, that taught me crucial lessons of living by faith alone, to pray like never before, trusting God wholeheartedly to answer and provide.
I didn’t know exactly how to be a husband or a father. But, with all my heart I made a commitment to learn, to grow and keep learning. I studied the Scriptures on these topics. I applied myself, putting into practice what God showed me. I listened to others teach about it. I watched and observed others who were effectively doing it. I was unrelenting in my pursuit to learn and grow, to become the very best I could be, as a husband and father.
I learned to cut my own hair. I watched my barber do it for years, watched which brand of clippers he used, asked him questions, then one day, bought the clippers myself and began to train myself to cut my own hair. I’ve been doing it now for almost 20 years.
I knew hardly anything about money as a young man, except to go to work, make it, then spend it. I had no idea of the law of compound interest. I had no idea of the power of that law and investing. It is by far the most important, practical math in the world and no one told me or taught me. But, I got around some guys who did. I listened to them. I was stunned by what I discovered. I’d always heard money doesn’t grow on trees, but it does!! If you plant money in the ground of investment, the law of compound interest and growth over time, makes that money multiply and grow all by itself! This was mind blowing to me! I’ve since learned everything I can about it. Here is a quick lesson. If at age 20, you put $100 every month into an IRA mutual fund for the next 50 years, and it grows at the average rate the stock market has historically grown, at 9% yearly, do you know what you have at age 70? $1,066,129. But you only used $60,000 of your own money! Which is the amount many foolish Americans are paying for a new car or truck!!! They are literally losing out on 1 million dollars! The bankers win, you lose!
I didn’t know all about health, diet and exercise as a young man. I knew a little. But, I had a yearning to learn. I read and acquired knowledge on health, diet, and exercise. I put what I learned into practice over the many years of my life. I’ve built the information I discovered into the habits of my daily life in my own home and office.
There is no greater asset in your life than a commitment to learn, and keep learning. To acquire knowledge that you use and apply to your life.
Every morning, I spend time reading things that relate to my life, things I’m trying to learn. I attune my ears to read, to acquire insights and knowledge about life, health, finances, the government, cultural issues, the economy, politics, the world around me, to grow in my discernment and understanding of things that really matter. This learning increases my good, sound judgment.
The more committed and disciplined you are to learn, to listen to instruction, to acquire greater knowledge, the greater your success in life will be in all your endeavors.
My Strong Disciple website is 100% devoted to helping you in your quest to learn and acquire knowledge, insight, wisdom and understanding in your faith, family, fathering, finances, marriage, effective parenting of your children, Christian living and Biblical truth and understanding. Please use it. Listen to the messages. Educate yourself. Read the articles. Glean from them and absorb the vital truths and wisdom they contain. When you click on the link below, you’ll find all my messages listed in alphabetical order on the left side of the page, and on the right side you will find all my messages in categories by topics in alphabetical order. At the very top right of that page you will find access to all my Thoughts Provoking articles. Please make use of them all. Share them with your friends.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling