This is one of the most comforting phrases in the entire Bible to me. God is not unjust!
I am a man who hates injustice. I mean I despise it. It nauseates me, filling me with righteous indignation. I have a visceral hatred for it. Maybe it’s just the way God wired me, but ever since I was a teenager reading Escape From Warsaw, watching my first Billy Jack movie, nothing gets to me like injustice.
I’ve often said, the reason movies like First Blood, Rambo or others like them resonate so deeply with men, isn’t because we love to see so much blood, and mayhem. It’s because we have a deep longing for justice to be done, for wrongs to be made right.
We live in a world full of injustice. We see it unfolding daily right before our eyes, whether we look at the unjust treatment of the Christian baker Jack Philips, or Donald Trump. We see it with Clarence Thomas. We see it in Nigeria where recently a very dear friend of mine’s sisters and their families were terrorized and burned out of their homes by Islamists! We see it with Riley Gaines, and female athletes who are forced to compete against men who pretend to be girls. We see it with Israel, and the savage injustices the Jews are made to endure over and over again. We see it in the way conservatives are maligned, abused, slandered, and mistreated on college campuses, at their jobs, and online in society as a whole.
I personally have had to deal with some great injustices in my life. Those injustices came at a tremendous cost. They hurt people I dearly love in very real and lasting ways. If, and I truly mean this, If I did not know and believe that God is not unjust, that He will not forget, that God keeps score, that God knows the truth, that God remembers all the love I’ve shown Him, and the care I’ve given and ministered to His people, I would give up. I mean it, I would simply quit. This world is just not worth it. The injustices of this world would destroy my will to go on.
Justice delayed is not justice denied!! We must never lose sight of this truth. Just because something doesn’t happen right now, doesn’t mean God has forgotten, that God hasn’t kept his promise. God never stops being who He is. No matter what this world doles out, no matter what other people do to us, they cannot change who God is, or what God will do for us, even if it’s yet to unfold. I’ve seen it time and time again. God has not forgotten me. God has not forgotten you. Despite the grave injustices inflicted by others, God is not unjust. God has, in his own special way, remembered me, kept His word to me, taken care of me and He will do the same for you and me, now and forevermore. God will bless you! God will reward you! God will give us justice!
Hebrews 6:10 NLT
For God is not unjust! He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him and how you have shown your love to Him by caring for other Christians, as you still do.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling