Proverbs 1:22-23 LB
“You simpletons!” she cries! “How long will you go on being fools? How long will you scoff at wisdom and fight the facts?”
I came of age during the late 60s and early 70s. My generation thought we were so cool, so superior to our elders! Yes, we were so smart we fried our brains on LSD, rotted our minds on marijuana, filled our veins with heroin, and idolized fools like Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, David Crosby and others who made this lifestyle famous and appealing. We became the addict generation. My generation ran full speed into the arms of sexual liberation, turned STD’s into an epidemic, damaged our own lives and the lives of millions of others in the name of sexual freedom, all because we thought we were smarter than all those older, stuffy religious people who knew better. We were an extremely destructive generation.
What fools, what absolute, utterly stupid idiots we were. We ignored the obvious facts, clearly knowable at that time, in pursuit of our own foolish, make-believe world.
Here we are today, 2023, surrounded by facts staring us in the face, yet once again, so many choose to ignore them.
We can’t borrow and spend our way to prosperity.
We can’t choose what sex we want to be.
We can’t expect corrupt leaders to lead wisely.
We can’t shut down oil drilling and production, expecting gas prices to come down.
We can’t eat whatever we want, whenever we want and stay fit and healthy.
We can’t live a lazy, sedentary lifestyle and expect not to have serious health problems in our future.
We can’t spend such little time in prayer, yet expect God’s divine interventions and miraculous provisions for our life.
We can’t expect to keep our anxieties in check, when we spend such little time casting our burdens on the Lord and practicing gratitude.
We can’t expect to ever get ahead if we don’t say NO to foolish, wasteful spending.
We can’t live truly free if we let the world squeeze us into its materialistic or immoral mold! The system will enslave you and make you an addict to their stuff!
We can’t expect to feel free if we do not live a disciplined, ordered life. An undisciplined, indulgent life is an oppressive life.
We can’t expect to feel spiritually healthy, and well fed, when we eat so little of God’s word.
We can’t expect to thrive spiritually and mentally, when we meditate so little on God, and his truth and promises.
We can’t expect to be close to our kids when they spend 6 hours a day on the smartphone we gave them.
We can’t expect close family relationships if we spend 6 hours a day on our own smartphone.
We can’t surround our children with foolish company and expect them to keep their good morals, to remain uncorrupted.
We can’t expect our marriages to thrive or last when we consistently treat our spouse cruelly.
We can’t expect our marriages and families to work when we ignore our God-given roles and responsibilities laid out in Scripture.
We can’t expect God’s blessing if we do not do what He says!
Proverbs 1:20-33 LIVING BIBLE is one of the most important truths in the entire Bible. I wrote this song to myself as a warning and encouragement to never forget it. I share it with you, please give it a listen.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling