I’d just finished praying with my mom when she said, “Mark, I wanted to tell you my sister Mary turned 90 last Saturday. She had a heart attack on her birthday! They rushed her to the hospital, put in a stint, and she was home the next day having cake with her family.” Then my mom said, “In a few weeks she and her husband will celebrate 71 years of marriage!” I said, “71 years, wow, that’s amazing.” My mom said, “They’ve been good to each other.”
Those words, They’ve been good to each other, just kept ringing in my ears for days. If ever there was a great piece of marital advice, that nails it, doesn’t it? Be Good To Each Other! Just think of all the implications of those words. What would happen in your marriage if you both lived by those words? Carefully consider these thought provoking questions!
Are you good to each other?
Are you good to each other with your words?
Are you good to each other sexually?
Are you good to each other emotionally?
Are you good to each other in meeting one another’s needs?
Are you good to each other in understanding each other’s unique personality, gifts, strengths and weaknesses?
Are you good to each other in understanding and supporting your spouse through the unique trials, difficulties and obstacles they may be dealing with or walking through?
Are you good to each other in your serving?
Are you good to each other in your thoughtfulness?
Are you good to each other spiritually?
Are you good to each other in responding to each other’s requests?
Are you good to each other in your attitude?
Do you wake up each morning determined to do them good?
Remember: We can always do gooder! Or as the Apostle Paul says, Excel still more!!
1 Thessalonians 5:15 CEV/NIV
Always strive to be good to each other!
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling