It is said that Facebook knows almost everything about you. This is in fact beyond dispute. The question is how? It’s really quite simple actually. Your posted photos, your written posts, your likes, your affiliations, your interests, your personality, and your struggles, are all revealed to the world, by none other than you!! Your life tells a story. Now, it’s also quite possible that your Facebook page tells a somewhat distorted story. Sometimes, quite honestly, people are only posting their best of life at the moment-story, and not the true reality of their own personal lives. Many use Facebook/Instagram to create their own brand of themselves. To create a certain perception of themself to others. But still, there is much revealed that is true.
However, there is a much more accurate way to answer the question, What story does your life tell? I want to urge you today to give serious consideration to these questions below and answer them honestly for yourself. You really need to know! What story does your life tell before it’s too late to change your story!
What story does your closet tell?
What story do your refrigerator/freezer contents tell?
What story do your cupboard contents tell?
What story does your diet tell?
What story do your possessions tell?
What story does your checkbook tell?
What story does your spending tell?
What story do your debts tell?
What story do your choices tell?
What story does your husbanding tell?
What story does your wife-ing tell?
What story does your parenting tell?
What story do your habits tell?
What story does your degree of generosity tell?
What story do your purchases tell?
What story do your spiritual disciplines tell?
What story do your words, texts, emails, and social media posts tell?
What story does your faith tell?
What story does your prayer life tell?
What story does your smartphone usage tell?
What story does your personal Bible usage tell?
What story does your internet use tell?
What story does your service to others tell?
What story do your attitudes and perspectives tell?
What story do your actions tell?
What story do your motivations tell?
What story does the quality of your work tell?
What story does your treatment of others tell?
What story does the way you go through adversity tell?
What story do your sufferings and tribulations tell?
You see my friends, our life’s story is accurately revealed in all these areas. They tell the story of what we truly value and believe. They tell the story of what is actually important to us. They tell the story of whether we live for eternity or not. They tell the story of the degree to which consumerism and affluenza have infected us. They tell the story of what really matters most to us. They tell the story of what we are actually like as a person to those most important to us. They tell the story of the depth and reality of our love for God. Maybe your life tells exactly the story you intended and prayed for. Maybe it doesn’t!
God knows the story that our life is telling. It is critically important that you take the time to read the story of your own life today, in order to understand the real story your life tells, before it’s too late to have a chance to rewrite the story of your life in each of these crucial areas.
I have lived long enough to tell you from experience, from life observation, and from dealing with thousands of people, there comes a time, when the story your life tells does irreversible damage in many areas of your life. God gives us the opportunity through humility, self-examination, repentance, and through his wisdom and guidance, to course correct the story of our life, so that our life tells the story God intended. A life story that will last when tested by fire and be rewarded for all eternity by Jesus Christ.
What fruits are growing on the tree of your life? By your choices and fruits, you will know you!
Now, Seriously – What story do you want the rest of your life to tell?