Can you think? Do you truly possess sound judgment? I am amazed by how many people today, including Christians, simply can’t think wisely and discerningly. I am astounded at the lack of good, sound judgment in so many Christians and astonished at the lies and misinformation people fall for.
We are living through an extremely dangerous period of human history. Millions of people have lost their minds. They have thrown out their ability to think, reason, discern, and think wisely, biblically, and rationally about what is really true. In fact, many have forgotten that the devil’s greatest weapon of all is lies. He is the father of all lies, and he has many human children propagating his many, many lies. If you do not learn to think, you will fall victim to those lies and deceit.
Christian, I want to challenge you today. Train yourself to think! Intentionally develop good judgment, or you will be duped, misled, and make great mistakes in your life and your family.
Let me share several illustrations to illuminate how vitally important it is to think and possess sound judgment.
In the fall of 2020, days before one of the most significant elections of my lifetime, influential, and well-known Pastor, John Piper posted on his Facebook to hundreds of thousands of Christians why he would not vote in the 2020 election. I knew I could not be silent. So I wrote this and sent it to a few close friends and fellow Pastors.
By what the Pied Piper wrote last week, espousing in his lengthy pontification, that he cannot vote for either candidate in this election, put up on the Facebook pages of thousands, this man is leading many faithful right off a cliff! He fails to grasp that this election is about standing up against an evil, wicked, anti-God agenda, much of which has already been implemented, offered by one side, and standing up for a more upright, moral, constitutional, truth-based agenda offered by the other side! An agenda that this current, courageous, conservative administration has fought like crazy and suffered much ridicule and slander to put into action, with great results clearly evident.
We must stand up against the wicked left in all institutions, which has done everything in its power to destroy this man and his administration, labeling all who support this agenda and its tenets as despicable, racist, garbage, who must be either re-educated, silenced, or ultimately destroyed. Your freedoms are being stolen even now as I write this.
I have seldom seen such willful blindness, such lack of sound judgment in my life, to write what he did, last week. Many Christian leaders today and many Christians are acquiescing to the wicked agenda of the left in this country. They fail to grasp our high and holy calling to stand up against evil, though it costs us our lives, our reputations, our livelihoods, and our good standing among our peers.
We cannot be silent! We cannot say we don’t know what’s going on!
We cannot say, because the president isn’t perfect, because he is a flawed man, that I, as a Christian, can be absolved from standing up to the evil agenda of the left with my vote, and simply stay home and not vote.
It was lazy, compromising, foolish Christians, who stayed home and gave 8 years to the Obama administration and their evil, unconstitutional, anti-God, unbiblical agenda and policies. In addition, other Christians, wishing to feel good about themselves, voted for the first black man to become president, conveniently overlooking the radical evil of his stated agenda, policy positions, and beliefs! This compromising, ungodly stupidity needs to stop on the part of Christians.
There is an old saying, by Edmund Burke that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” I believe this must also be stated, “When good men do nothing to stand up against evil, they cease being good men!” Your vote is a powerful way to stand up against the evil that is being unleashed by the democratic left in this country.
Here is another illustration.
I know a devout Christian man who knows and loves Jesus Christ with all his heart. He regularly wears his crucifix necklace as a reminder of the great sacrifice Christ made for our sins, and as a simple, silent witness to his deep abiding faith in Christ. He relayed a story to me of visiting with another Christian who upon seeing him wearing the necklace, told him he refused to even look at him during the duration of their conversation. Illustrating again, how common it is for Christians not to think with a wise discerning mind. After he relayed this story to me, I wrote this and sent it to him.
Not The Cross, But the Man on the Cross!
It was not the cross that cleansed you! It was the marred, disfigured, bloodied, savagely beaten body of the man Christ Jesus that cleansed you, crucified to that Cross. We must learn to see Him that way on the cross, and not mock those who treasure that picture of him, as they recognize it is the very sacred picture of our salvation itself! Christ crucified on the cross saves us from our sins!
Galatians 3:1 NIV
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified!
Galatians 3:1 LB
Oh, foolish Galatians! What magician has hypnotized you and cast an evil spell upon you? For you used to see the meaning of Jesus Christ’s death as clearly as though I had waved a placard before you with a picture on it of Christ dying on the cross.
Isaiah 52:14-15 LB
Yet many shall be amazed when they see him—yes, even far-off foreign nations and their kings; they shall stand dumbfounded, speechless in his presence. For they shall see and understand what they had not been told before. They shall see my Servant beaten and bloodied, so disfigured one would scarcely know it was a person standing there. So shall he cleanse many nations.
Men, Christians, I will say it again. We must learn to think wisely, discerningly, and Biblically. We must possess and exercise good, sound judgment. If we do not, great and terrible mistakes will be made. Those mistakes will have hard, lasting consequences.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling