Do you actually believe in the satisfying, tangible reality of God? Let’s evaluate that with a simple, yet revealing test.
When you are thirsty, what do you do? Drink water. Why, because you really believe it will quench your thirst.
When you are hungry, what do you do? You eat some food. Why, because you really believe it will satisfy your hunger, and keep you strong.
When you are tired at the end of your day, what do you do? You go to bed each night and sleep. Why, because you believe sleep will make you feel more rested, rejuvenating your mind and body.
When you are cold, what do you do? You either dress warmer or turn on the heat. Why, because you believe it will make you warm.
All these things are realities in our lives. We believe in them, we use them, we do them, and we experience them. They really work.
So let me ask you this.
When you are in trouble, what do you do? Where do you go? Who do you turn to?
When you are discouraged and overwhelmed, what do you do? Where do you go? Who do you turn to?
When your heart is broken, and you’re sick with sorrow and grief, what do you do? Where do you go? Who do you turn to?
When you are in desperate financial straits, what do you do? Where do you go? Who do you turn to?
When you have personal, difficult issues in your life, what do you do? Where do you go? Who do you turn to?
Do you really believe in the reality of God? Do you really believe God can and will help you in all aspects of your life? Is He the first one, the primary one, you run to, talk to, seek and pray to over and over again, because just as you drink every day, eat every day, sleep every day, knowing you cannot live without these tangible realities, you also know and believe that you cannot live without the reality of God and all God can do for you each day of your life?
Recently, I received this note from a dear brother in the Lord whom I have known for decades, whom I’ve prayed for every day for years. He is a very sincere follower of Christ. This illustrates in a powerful way the truth I seek to convey.
Pastor Mark
My personal retreat was amazing! Once again I went in chained to a giant heavy backpack and walked out a free man. The overall theme of my trip was that I am loved by my Heavenly Father and He alone can take my burdens. I basically spent 3 days on my retreat swimming in the Psalms. One that I don’t remember every reading hit me like a 2×4! Ps 60: 11b-12a NLT For all human help is useless, with God’s help we will do mighty things. Wow… God made it abundantly clear to me that for many years I have been relying more on those around me to “fix” me, than I have been God. I saw a counselor for months leading up to my move.. I was hoping he could figure me out and fix me. I hoped that a fresh start in a new state with a new church and community would fix me, etc. Nope… 3 days alone with the Lord did MORE than all the billable hours with the counselor! Another big verse was Ps 145: 14 The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads. Yup… that was for me. God called me back to the basics… pray and talk with him daily and meditate on his Word. I have been reading over 50-ish verses in Psalms every morning since returning, so good.
Do you see this? Do you grasp what he has just said, discovered, and understood?
You cannot imagine how I rejoiced to receive this from this dear brother. Why? Because this is what I long for every Christian to understand and experience. But also because I have been experiencing God in this way for almost half a century!! It is the only reason I am still standing and pressing on today.
My brother in Christ finally got it! He experienced God in a powerful, personal way. He experienced the tangible reality of God!!
Dear friends, are you really experiencing the reality of God in your life on a daily basis? If not, WHY?
Nothing is more debilitating, more destructive than missing God! Nothing in the world can substitute for God or satisfy like God!
Most Christian are missing God and they don’t even realize it.
Start treating God like he really is the answer to all your problems.
You will be amazed at the outcome.
Ps. 63:5 NLT
You satisfy me more than the richest of foods.
This message illustrates the tangible reality of powerfully experiencing God in your life.