When will we learn that evil wicked people exist, that we must be prepared to destroy them when they attack the innocent? We must protect the innocent and law-abiding citizens of our communities.
What just happened in the elementary school in Uvalde, TX is an inexcusable, horrific crime, an unspeakable evil. My heart goes out to every single one of those parents and families. It is absolutely gut-wrenching to imagine your child showing up at school, only to be shot while they sit at their school desk trying to learn.
The killing was only stopped because a border patrol agent working nearby rushed to the school, courageously refused to wait for backup, and shot this evil, wicked killer to death. There should be armed male adult protectors in every school in America, so that everyone is made aware, including wicked evildoers who may be secretly plotting their heinous crimes, this school has people trained on the premises who will shoot and kill you if you come here and attack our children. Just as we have fire hoses, sprinkler systems, etc. in every school to protect them from catastrophic fire, we need armed male protectors in every space in America to protect the lives of the innocent and law-abiding citizens. It is sickening and inexcusable, when it is the righteous, the law-abiding who most often live in fear for their lives and safety, while the evildoers, carjackers, criminals, and thugs have no fear of retribution for their evil, wicked behavior.
We are failing our children and our fellow citizens in so many preposterous ways. It is despicable and absolutely shameful.
As a Christian, and a Pastor, I understand clearly from the teachings of Scripture that evil, wicked people exist. That there is a day coming when God himself will wipe them from the face of the earth and cast them into the lake of fire, where the worm never dies, the fire is never quenched, where weeping and gnashing of teeth, are the only sounds you hear for all eternity. God hates the wicked, the evildoer, and will utterly destroy them.
When was the last time you read Romans 1 & 2? Years ago, I was sitting in a pastor’s meeting with a group of pastors. We were discussing a passage of scripture, one that describes the wicked evildoings of mankind in Romans 1:18-32. Immediately after reading this text one of the influential pastors in the room jumped in by saying, “Brothers, we should not use the Biblical word perversion today from the pulpit, it is insensitive.” I was stunned that this man would say this. I am deeply ashamed of the cowardice of so many evangelicals and Christian pastors and leaders today. It is utterly shameful. The cowardice and compromise in our pulpits and churches is pathetic! We are so afraid to call sin what it is, and call evil what is evil, and as a result we are reaping the consequences in our country like never before.
Our society and a majority of parents, have enabled sin and evil to metastasize, to grow emboldened and rampant, because we are unwilling to hold our children accountable for their actions. We have so many fatherless homes, where young men and women do not have the strong hand of a loving, courageous father’s guidance, and the firm discipline and instruction to encourage and enforce upright behavior. It is having catastrophic consequences. And yes, the killer in Uvalde was from a broken home, with no father involved in his life.
Share the gospel you say? I agree! Preach the Gospel! Call people to repent. Call sin sin, and evil evil. We need bold proclamation of the Gospel. We need the bold proclamation of the judgment that awaits all evildoers and the unrepentant. We need to reacquaint people and Christians with hell, but also with what is coming on the earth when Christ returns with a sharp sword from his mouth and the bloodbath that ensues! We need to reacquaint them with the retribution of God coming upon the earth. The Judge is coming and He will not spare the wicked, unrepentant evildoers. Our God is a just and righteous God.
In the meantime, we also need to actually protect the innocent from evildoers and strike fear in the hearts of the wicked, evildoers in our society. For many years I had a church in Minneapolis. I had a police officer who was a member of my congregation, and they brought their gun with them to every service. I was intent on protecting my sheep from the wicked wolves in all their disgusting forms.
These gun-free zones in our nation have become a prime target-rich environment for evildoers, and we need to make absolutely sure, we remove these target-rich environments, to ensure that the innocent, law-abiding can raise their families in peace and safety. This will only happen when evildoers know beforehand there is a high probability they will be shot and killed if they try to carry out their barbaric acts of wickedness. Where there is no fear of God, no fear of retribution, the people’s hearts run wild to do evil! We are living through the consequences of the democrat’s leftist ideology, feminism’s hatred of men and fathers, psychobabble, fatherless homes, and the rejection of God. These have turned America into the killing fields.
These wicked, deadly ideologies must be destroyed, their proponents thrown from office and positions of authority, these immoral behaviors repented of, the hearts of fathers must turn back to their children and we must turn and seek God. Now!
Proverbs 3:33 NLT
The Lord curses the house of the wicked.
Proverbs 10:30 NLT
The wicked will be removed from the land.
Proverbs 11:10 NLT
The whole city celebrates when the godly succeed: they shout for joy when the wicked die.
Proverbs 11:23 NLT
The wicked can expect only judgment.
Proverbs 14:11 NLT
The house of the wicked will be destroyed.
Proverbs 20:26 NLT
The wise king scatters the wicked like wheat, then runs his threshing wheel over them.
Psalm 7:11 NLT
God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day.
Psalm 92:7 NLT
Though the wicked sprout like weeds and evildoers flourish, they will be destroyed forever.
Proverbs 21:15 NLT
Justice is a joy to the righteous, but it terrifies evildoers.
Ecclesiastes 8:11 NLT
When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong.
Read Revelation 19:11-18
Dads, if your children are age appropriate, I would strongly encourage you to read this article at the supper table to your family and explain to them exactly what it means. Your kids need to understand these matters themselves. It is one proactive, practical way you can lead and influence your family. And please, read it with the conviction, emotion and feeling it deserves.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling