John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy! -Jesus
The children of the thief do the very same thing! -The observation of human history.
First, they went to kill the unseen, then they came for the seen! They killed the mentally handicapped, the insane, the deformed, all in secret, behind the closed doors of institutions, where no one could see. Then they came after the seen, the Jew walking down the street. They wouldn’t let them walk on the sidewalk. They made them wear a yellow star. They wouldn’t let them sit on the park bench, then they couldn’t go to the theater, then they told them where they could and could not live. Then they beat them in full view of the public in the street, they robbed them of their homes, they stole their livelihoods, and then they shipped them off to death camps to be killed!
In 1939, as the Nazis began to invade European countries, many ordinary citizens of those invaded countries, feeling empowered and emboldened by the Nazi invaders hatred of the Jews, would themselves walk up to Jews on the streets and beat them with shovel handles, hoses, and killed many of them right in full view of others passing by. The vitriol, savagery, and brutality that was unleashed was horrific and reprehensible, yet fully accepted and embraced by millions.
My friends, you need to wake up and grasp what people like the leftist in America today will do and are beginning to do to Christians, conservatives, and others with a Judeo/Christian worldview, the same kinds of things they did to Jews in Germany and throughout Europe during WW2.
First, the democratic left unleashed killing babies in the womb, the unseen, in 1973. By the millions, they’ve slaughtered them and ripped their bodies apart. They continue the savage genocide of the unseen, but now they are also coming for the seen. They will shame you, ostracize you, ridicule you, try to take your job, falsely accuse you of racism, sexism, and any other vile thing they can think of to steal, kill and destroy your life.
Equally alarming are the millions of Christians who themselves are buying into the wicked lies and demonic agenda of the left, as clearly demonstrated by their own Facebook posts, written in their own words, boldly espousing their polluted, compromised acceptance of the same wicked agenda! Their stupidity is astounding! They have no shame and no genuine fear of God.
To illustrate how sick, how compromised, and polluted many Christians really are, grasp this! When a supreme court justice, a staunch proponent and defender of baby-killing died on Sept.18th, 2020, named RBG, many Christians I know, posted a picture of her on their FB and wrote glowing words of praise about this wicked proponent, defender, and enabler of baby genocide, and vehement proponent of same-sex marriage!
The legacy of RBG/Ginsberg is despicable. She argued vigorously to allow women the right to kill another human being. She argued vigorously to redefine God Almighty’s definition of marriage, and vigorously supported the abomination of same-sex marriage.
These issues are an outrage to Almighty God!
I am stunned and appalled at what our world calls honorable. I am stunned by the cowardice of men to call out the great evils committed by such people.
Ginsberg, as a Jew herself, acutely aware of the Jewish holocaust, heartily approved of and argued for the slaughter and the genocidal, murderous holocaust of millions and millions of precious human beings called babies.
She will never, ever, ever rest in peace.
Is. 5:20 – Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil!
Christians hear me now!!
I have heard this stupid, asinine phrase, “love wins”, or “love is love”, so many times from Christians it makes me sick! The sheer stupidity is mind-boggling. If your love is not a righteous love, you are in tremendous trouble with God. It is God who defines what is righteous and what is not. If you are not righteous you will not get into heaven, no matter how many wrong things you loved!
Here is the Gospel. God so loved the world, He gave his Son to take our sin and wickedness that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ. That as a result of becoming His child through faith in Jesus Christ, we would walk in the righteousness of Christ who is God Himself, and grow in a lifestyle of consistent righteous living. The truth is this: Those who say they have received Jesus Christ, the Righteous One as their Savior, but do not strive to live a righteous life, growing in the righteousness of God, pursuing a righteous lifestyle, THEY ARE FRAUDS! THEY DO NOT HAVE THE SON! THEY ARE DEAD IN THEIR SINS! There must always be fruits that accompany repentance. If there are no fruits, there was no repentance!
I am stunned by the stupidity of Christians today, and many of their leaders as well. Don’t fall for this garbage, my friends. Don’t be taken in by the fraudsters of today, even though they dress up their lies in Christian terminology.
Let me use one last poignant illustration of blunt force truth in plain sight.
Imagine that you and your family have left on a two-week vacation to the mountains. When you arrive home, you discover your front door was broken into. As you walk into your living room, there you find a family of 5 sitting on your couch, eating your food. You discover they have been sleeping in your beds and moved their stuff into your home!
How do you feel at this moment?! You are stunned, you can’t believe this is actually happening right before your eyes! But OHH, it gets much worse. You ask them to leave, they say no, we have every right to break into your house and live, and we have nowhere else to go. We have decided we like your house and we are staying. Now you call the police. They arrive, and to your dismay, they tell you, “Sorry, we won’t do anything. They are allowed to stay in your house, use your stuff, eat your food, and use your electricity and gas all they want. Your home is now their home. Oh, and if you try to make them leave we will arrest you!!!” HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW?!
Now imagine I am one of the cops and I tell you, “Sir, remember the Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself! The Bible says to love the stranger!”
Friends, is this really what you believe the Bible teaches? That others can simply break into your home whenever they want, put themselves up in your house, with their kids, and steal your living space and you and your spouse must now pay for all their bills?
This is exactly what illegal immigration is, and does. The difference is you are allowing it to happen to your American neighbors in Arizona, New Mexico or Texas and forcing them to foot the bill. Because it is not your literal house, you excuse this rude, immoral, criminal behavior. You are forcing them to let others steal from them. You see the ideologies and practices of the wicked leftist is always to steal, kill and destroy.
My friends, this is illegal immigration, and this is why it is absolutely wrong and unbiblical.
You can never be a Strong Disciple if your thinking is wrong.
Beliefs and ideologies have consequences!
Please give these podcasts a listen. I believe they will help you immensely. These truths are desperately needed in the wicked times we live in today.
The podcast, “Real Christians Think and Act Like Jesus Christ/A Real Christian”, will help you understand what a real Christian really looks like and what a fake one is like.
The podcast “What Now”, I gave right after the supreme court legalized same sex marriage and addresses that topic with no punches pulled.
The podcast “Beliefs have Consequences” helps you understand and grasp the direct correlation between beliefs, ideologies and their direct impact on actions and deeds.
The podcast “Keep Unpolluted” is based on the truth in James that we are to keep ourselves from being polluted by this evil world. It will be very eye opening and helpful to you.
Helping you become a Strong Disciple,
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Mark Darling