Daniel 11:32b NASB
Those who know their God display strength and take action!
Perhaps the most important quality in a man, a husband, or a father is initiative. The willingness to seize the moment, take initiative, and make something happen. It is imperative that we be men of initiative.
That we engage our minds, keep our eyes wide open to what is happening around us, in our families, in life, and take the initiative to bring about change or create something new, something that may not exist, or needs our immediate attention.
Looking back on my 41 years of marriage, all my years with kids at home, all my years in ministry as a Pastor, church planter, worship leader, I believe one of the most important things I did was to seize the initiative and make things happen. To create what did not yet exist. I was always asking God for wisdom and insight to see what needed to be done, to help me see what others did not see, and to find ways to seize opportunities by taking initiative.
When I met my future wife at a retreat under the awning of the popcorn stand, in the pouring rain in 1976, it was because I took the initiative and said hello. I introduced myself and began a conversation. When 3 weeks later I drove to Ames for the first time to the ISU campus to find her dorm room, to ask her if we could go on a walk, so I could ask her to pray about marrying me someday, it was because I seized the initiative.
When shortly after we were married and I found myself without a job in a very, very difficult situation, with no car, I let my fingers do the walking through the business section of the phone book, calling every business in Ames starting with the A’s and finally getting to the S’s until I got my first interview! It was because I seized the initiative. I got that job because I seized the initiative. I did not wait for something to happen.
When I saw the tremendous need in my life to understand God’s love and forgiveness, that I too might become a godly, loving, Christ-like husband and father, I seized the initiative and traded my new drill, given to me as a Christmas present, for a Walkman cassette player. I purchased long-life batteries, bought the 7 messages I knew I needed to hear, and listened to one of those messages every single day for an entire year! It changed my life and set my marriage on a new course all because I seized the initiative.
When I realized at 31 that I was out of shape, putting on weight, and becoming the “Pillsbury dough dad”, I seized the initiative, started immediate changes to my diet, started doing pushups every single day, riding the exercise bike, and have now maintained a specific routine and diet for the last 33 years!
In 1998 when I recognized that there was a group of 20-something singles and college students that had a great spiritual need but would hardly set foot in a normal church, I cried out to God for wisdom. I seized the initiative, created a new church called The Rock, that met on a Saturday night, in a cool rented auditorium, using secular songs that had a great message to them, performed by our talented musicians, and worship songs that connected with young people’s hearts. I took the initiative and designed strong Biblical messages around the needs, hurts, and yearnings of their heart. Things related to what they were going through. I met them where they were at. God did amazing things!
When I see the kitchen garbage is full in the morning when I make my coffee, I seize the initiative and empty the trash and put a new bag in the garbage can.
When I see my child with a heavy heart, their face has fallen, I seize the initiative to encourage them, or give them a hug, and discover what’s really going on. I seize the initiative to lift their spirits.
When I see my wife needs a word of encouragement or needed a helping hand with all the things that were on her plate as a busy homeschooling mom, I seize the initiative to help in some tangible meaningful way, or offer a word of encouragement, or pray with her about all her concerns.
When a teachable moment arises with one of my children I seize the initiative and make the very most of that opportunity to speak into my child’s heart.
Every single day I seize the initiative with God. I ask, I seek, I knock, and over and over again I continue, for there is never a time I have nothing to ask for, nothing to seek for, nothing to knock about. The needs are pressing in on me every single day. I seize the opportunity given to me by God to seek his favor, his generosity, his blessing and his divine supernatural help!
Every one of you reading this has taken initiative in some way in your life. But let me ask you this:
What area of your life needs your initiative right now?
What area of your marriage needs your initiative right now?
What area of your parenting needs your initiative right now?
What area of your spiritual life needs your initiative right now?
What area of your job, or career needs your initiative right now?
I want to urge you, don’t procrastinate. Don’t delay. Seize the initiative today, and make something happen.
Determine today to be the Initiator!
The best time to take initiative is right now!
Those who know their God display strength and take action!
You will find this message to be a great help in your pursuit!
Merry Christmas.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!