Series Date: February 2015 (5 part series) All of us, when we reach a certain age in our lives, must make a decision as to who we allow to shape and influence our lives—who becomes our heroes and who becomes the people we aspire to be like. This choice has a major impact on the person we will become. Before I began to follow Jesus Christ, I had specific people I wanted to be like. I listened to their music, I read their books or articles written about them, I emulated the ir hairstyles, and I wore their style of clothes. When I began to follow Jesus Christ in 1975, I knew it was critical to my spiritual life and to the success of my spiritual journey to develop new mentors and immerse myself in the lives of people I wanted to become like. I longed for new heroes. This is my story—of the bible people who shaped me.
This sermon series was inspired by the book “Divine Mentor” by Wayne Cordeiro